It’s time to talk
about the 70%

Did You Know?

70% of employees experience trauma.
61% believe their workplace lacks sufficient mental health support.
Investing in employee mental health yields a 4:1 ROI through improved productivity and reduced absenteeism.

70% of employees in corporate settings experience trauma. Many are unaware of this trauma, which can lead to secondary symptoms such as addiction, depression, and anxiety disorders. These symptoms cause individual suffering and incur significant costs for the company. 61% of employees expect their employers to provide better mental health support.

Most companies often feel uneasy when the word “trauma” is mentioned. As a trauma-informed therapist and corporate wellness strategist, I alleviate this fear and collaborate with companies to achieve the best possible outcome.

My services centre on developing corporate resilience by nurturing a healthy and content workforce. The underlying concept is that individuals can only achieve lasting wellness, and companies can only have a resilient workforce once they have addressed past traumas.

I provide a free initial assessment tailored to your needs and current circumstances.

Therapist in Geneva


Desirée Kogevinas provides guidance..

Have you ever asked yourself these questions:

  • Do you struggle in your relationships, with partners, family, or colleagues?
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
  • Have you felt different, misunderstood, or feel like you don’t belong?
  • Do you have problems with your emotions, are they frozen or overwhelming?
  • Are you a parent concerned that your child may be mistreated, under peer pressure, or using drugs?
  • Do you feel imprisoned by addiction or compulsive thoughts and behaviours?

If yes, you are in the right place



Free yourself to live happily

The journey to peace of mind:

Desiree Kogevinas supports you in living life to it full potential. You will:

  • Build your self-esteem and self-worth
  • Reduce stress and anxiety levels
  • Improve relationships with yourself and others (family, partner, work, social)
  • Identify your needs and wants
  • Set boundaries for healthy functional relationships


38 years old

Désirée has become like a big sister for me. There is care, warmth, and respect in our professional relationship. Thanks to therapy, I’ve understood my addiction to toxic relationships is linked to my childhood traumas. Today, I’m single but not alone, I walk with neither shame nor fear – that’s still new for me. I’ve learned healthy coping mechanisms and feel good with who I am. All this is thanks to the work we did in therapy – thank you, Désirée!


Approaching Désirée for couples therapy during a crisis, she guided us to communicate healthier. After Marty’s rehab, we decided to separate. I stayed on with Désirée, working on myself. With lots of support, I slowly changed, replacing toxic behaviours with healthier coping mechanisms. ‘Mistakes’ and ‘slips’ were addressed in therapy as symptoms, transforming how I view myself and my life.


56 years old

Arriving in therapy two years clean, I was a novice, defensive, and unaware of my needs. Désirée was completely professional yet gentle, guiding me to unexplored issues. Today, still in therapy, I feel lighter and freer. The difference is today, I’m a willing client, looking forward to sessions and trusting Désirée implicitly. My life has done a 180 for the better.


Working with Désirée helped me understand my sexual acting out, a result of childhood trauma. I built a healing attitude toward sex, open-mindedness, and positivity. I felt safe and respected. No more shame during intimacy – truly amazing!