It’s time to talk
about the 70%
Did You Know?
70% of employees have experienced trauma.
61% believe their workplace lacks sufficient mental health support.
The DK is a global offering for companies, an initiative that addresses trauma to ensure sustainable employee wellness and helps build corporate resilience.
Our clients make substantial financial business profits through investing in each of these areas.
70% of employees in corporate settings have experienced distress. Many are unaware of this trauma, which can lead to secondary symptoms such as addiction, depression, and anxiety disorders. These symptoms cause personal adversity and incur significant costs for the company. 61% of employees expect their employers to provide better mental health support.
Companies may feel uneasy when the word “trauma” is mentioned. As a trauma-informed therapist and corporate wellness strategist, I alleviate this fear and collaborate with companies to achieve the best possible outcome.
The DK focuses on developing corporate resilience by nurturing a healthy and happy workforce. Our premise is that individuals can only achieve lasting wellness once they have addressed the root cause.
I provide a complimentary assessment and I design a customised mental health and wellness strateies.
Have you ever asked yourself these questions:
As a CEO :
- How do I invest in my employees’ mental health creatively?
- I genuinely care for my employees – what’s the best the market offers that meets their mental health needs?
- I wish to make profit, and I heard rumours significant gains could be made with The DK. How do I find out more?
As a private client:
- How can I stop struggling in my relationships with partners, family or colleagues?
- How do I manage my emotions to stop feeling overwhelmed or numb?
- As a parent, how should I deal with my anxiety around my child being bullied or using drugs?
- How can I free myself of feeling trapped by addiction or obsessive thoughts or behaviours?
Free yourself to live happily
If yes, you are in the right place
The journey to peace of mind:
Désirée Kogevinas supports you in living life to its full potential. You will:
- Build your self-esteem and self-worth.
- Reduce stress and anxiety levels.
- Improve relationships with yourself and others (family, partner, work, social).
- Name your needs and wants.
- Set boundaries for healthy relationships.